

Renewable diesel is a key player in growing soy crush margins and processing.

曾经一个过剩的产品寻找用途, soybean oil has become a sought-after renewable fuel feedstock. As demand for green energy options grows across the globe, production of lower-carbon fuels — specifically renewable diesel — is poised to skyrocket.

Renewable diesel production capacity nearly doubled, 从2021年5月的每年9.71亿加仑增加到1亿加仑.到2022年5月,这一数字将达到920亿加仑.S. 皇冠hga010安卓二维码情报署. 在同一时期, there was little additional soybean oil supply available, 因此,价格达到了历史最高水平, 托德·比登菲尔德说, director of vegetable oil and sunflower sales for CHS.

今天, 仅在中西部地区就有近12家新的大豆加工厂或工厂扩建正在进行中,甚至更多的新工厂正在规划中, 他指出. “The soy crush market is trying to recalibrate itself, but we’re still seeing high values for both futures and basis. 这带来了可观的利润率,这些利润正被重新投资于行业扩张.”




在2021年收获季节,CHS完成了耗资1亿美元的明尼苏达州费尔蒙特(Fairmont)翻新工程.生产粗豆油的美国大豆加工厂将把年压榨能力扩大30%. 建于2003年, 这家工厂24小时运转, 平均每天接收350辆卡车,从工厂90英里半径内的种植者和合作社那里提取大豆, 吉姆·格雷厄姆说, director of capital projects for CHS global grain and processing businesses.

Expansion is also underway at the CHS soybean refinery in Mankato, 明尼苏达州. The plant is already one of the largest vegetable oil refineries in the U.S. “今年晚些时候所有的升级都完成了, 曼卡托工厂的年精炼大豆油产量将增加35%以上,格雷厄姆说。. “我们的曼卡托工厂生产精制的, 食品级用漂白和除臭大豆油, and our flour mill produces soy flour that is sold around the world.

“我们已经能够在不中断粉碎厂或炼油厂日常运营的情况下安排这次建设和改造,他说. 费尔蒙特工厂生产的所有豆油都用卡车运到大约60英里外的曼卡托工厂进行精炼, 格雷厄姆解释说, 使这两个项目的协调至关重要.

“有了这些扩张, CHS is well-positioned to meet the growing demand for soy oil,达林·卡尔森说, CHS油籽压榨部主任. “CHS has been in the soy crush business for decades and we’re in it for the long haul. It has allowed us to capture the increase in margins that we’ve seen in recent years, 这也使我们处于一个很好的位置,可以探索未来的其他增长机会.”


理查德Stadheim stands in a snow-covered cattle field with his sons, 加勒特和班尼特, 班尼特的双胞胎小男孩. 
理查德Stadheim, 正确的, 还有他的儿子们, 加勒特, 左, 和班尼特, center, 从他们的艾伯特利亚运送大豆, 明尼苏达州., farm to the CHS soy processing plant in Fairmont, 明尼苏达州. 班尼特的双胞胎儿子,贝克特和拉尔斯(前排),已经开始参与这项行动.



自费尔蒙特工厂2004年开业以来,大豆生产商理查德·施塔德海姆(理查德Stadheim)已将他的大部分作物卖给了该工厂. “当CHS在明尼苏达州南部靠近种植者建立这个设施时,我真的很高兴. We’ve always hauled our beans there directly because it means more dollars in our pocket.”

还有他的两个儿子, 班尼特和加勒特, 施塔德海姆种植玉米, 艾伯特利附近的大豆和肉牛, 明尼苏达州. He says he appreciates the recent Fairmont facility upgrades.

“现在卸货更容易了,我们通常在30分钟内进出. 那是一个非常好的设施,非常干净和高效,员工也很好共事. CHS应该为这个工厂感到骄傲.”


Map of United States showing states with existing and proposed low carbon fuels standards 




A green tsunami is sweeping the globe and most corporations want to show they’re involved, 乔·拉迪说, CHS研究分析师. “我们看到了环境问题, social and governance [ESG] initiatives to reduce the carbon footprint of businesses, 他们的过程和最终产品. 可再生燃料是这项努力的重要组成部分.”

A Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) has been enacted in three states — California, 俄勒冈州和华盛顿州以及其他州正在考虑类似的立法和标准. 到2022年,美国将成为.S. 可再生柴油市场在1%.50亿和1.6 billion gallons, says Ron Batey, refined fuels pricing and economics director with CHS. “Forecasts say that by 2026, there will be an additional 1.仅在这三个州通过的LCFS立法就产生了10亿加仑的可再生柴油需求.

“目前,80%到85%的美国人.S.-produced renewable diesel is being used in California,他说. “从去年夏天开始, California had already replaced 45% of petroleum diesel used with biomass-based diesel. Washington began implementing similar LCFS legislation at the beginning of this year, with demand for renewable diesel there expected to increase quickly.”

航空皇冠hga010安卓二维码也在寻找可持续燃料, 指出拉迪, 而可再生柴油将是一种合乎逻辑的原料. “当你开始把潜在需求加起来,即使只是在美国,它也是巨大的.”

可再生的, 一种燃料必须由非化石原料生产, 比如植物, 动物脂肪或加工废物或副产品. Ethanol led the way in biofuels, but that industry may have topped out, says Lardy.

“There’s a 10% blend wall for ethanol and a limit to how much more can be used,他说, “so the energy industry has been looking at alternative feedstocks, 比如豆油, 用过的食用油,甚至牛油. 大豆油为生产可再生生物柴油提供了最大的潜力,因为它已经是一种主要商品,而且它是可扩展的——我们可以生产更多.”

Renewable diesel burns cleaner than traditional biodiesel, which is a blend of renewable fuels and petroleum-based diesel. 可再生柴油是由可再生皇冠hga010安卓二维码制造的, so it’s more efficient and generates lower emissions, 添加Biedenfeld. “从使用的角度来看, there is no difference between renewable diesel and petroleum-based #2 diesel, 所以它被认为是一种临时产品. 这使得它成为满足一些州低碳要求的极具吸引力的燃料选择.”



在美国,有三个关键因素支持了可再生燃料政策激励措施的发展, Dan Mauer说, CHS政府事务华盛顿, D.C.,代表.


Renewable Fuel Standard regulations are administered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and mandate that a portion of U.S. motor fuel must be blended with renewable fuels to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.




在州一级制定的低碳燃料标准(LCFS)侧重于降低碳指数. California was the first to adopt this standard in 2009, and that standard is emerging as the favored approach in other states.

“2022年的《皇冠hga010安卓二维码》将可再生柴油的现行税收抵免延长至2024年,并从2025年开始建立清洁燃料生产税收抵免,这将简化基于生命周期碳减排的替代燃料资格, 税收抵免越大,Mauer解释道。.

所有可再生燃料政策都有一定程度的不确定性,因为它们取决于联邦和州立法机构的政治意愿, 他指出, 但人们对可再生柴油作为一种可持续燃料抱有很大的热情,因为它可以帮助各州实现LCFS的目标. Soybean oil is going to be a critical feedstock in accomplishing that.”








从历史上看,你.S. 大豆被碾碎主要是为了制作豆粕,豆粕占完整大豆的80%. 预计未来十年大豆压榨量将急剧增加,那么这些豆粕将何去何从?

Currently, about two-thirds of soybean meal produced in the U.S. 是给你的.S. 牲畜 and about one-third is exported, says Carlson. With the projected increase in soybean crush to meet renewable diesel demand, 更多的食物可能会被喂给美国.S. 牲畜.

“Soybean meal is established globally as a premium protein source for feed. 如果它变得更具价格竞争力, 它可以取代乙醇生产中的一些DDGS(用可溶物蒸馏干谷物),卡尔森说, 但美国也需要增加豆粕出口并寻找新市场.

“It doesn’t matter how high soybean oil prices get. Processors need to have a consistent market for soybean meal,他补充道. “Most plants have only a few days’ worth of meal storage on site. Railroads and trucks have to be moving that meal all the time in any weather. That will require additional investments in infrastructure throughout the country.”

处理所有这些额外的食物还需要扩大全国主要港口的出口设施, 他补充说. To help meet the need, CHS is expanding its Myrtle Grove, La.、出口终端. The $105 million investment will include storage and handling upgrades, 这将增加农民所有者的市场准入,并帮助将30%的蒲式耳和副产品(如豆粕)通过该设施. 预计将于2023年底完工, the construction project will bring total storage capacity to 850,000蒲式耳.

进一步扩大出口能力, CHS最近宣布有意扩大其TEMCO, 有限责任皇冠hga010安卓二维码, joint venture operated with Cargill to include a terminal in Houston, 德州. Located 40 miles inland from the Gulf of Mexico via Galveston Bay, the added facility will provide shipping access for grains, oilseeds and byproducts through the Port of Houston.


拜登菲尔德说:“由于豆油需求的增加,其他油料作物的产量也在上升。. 2022年末, 环保局批准菜籽油作为一种可再生原料,因为用菜籽油制成的柴油与标准柴油相比可以减少50%的排放. CHS在明尼苏达州北部拥有并经营一家油菜籽加工和精炼工厂, 外哈洛克. Acquired in 2015, the plant processes 400,000 tons of canola seed annually.

“The margins are still higher selling canola oil into the food market, 但我们已经开始出售一些菜籽油,以换取可再生柴油,因为这些价格变得更具竞争力,比登菲尔德说.

“作为一家皇冠hga010安卓二维码, CHS has a long history of supporting food processing sectors, 这种情况不太可能改变,他补充道. “在油籽行业有几十年的经验, 还有我们最近的扩张, 使CHS设备齐全,以帮助满足不断增长的可再生柴油市场的需求.” 

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The University of Montana Western offers a bachelor’s degree in natural horsemanship, which culminates in a two-day exhibition called the Colt Challenge.

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Cooperative farmer-owners are eligible for discounts rates with Verizon and T-Mobile, 可通过CHS获得.