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Female chef in a kitchen
Lauren Cannady, culinary manager, helps develop new 酱, sauces and other food products at 文图拉的食物 Innovation Center, 在那里,研发厨师密切关注食品趋势,创造新的烹饪创意.

文图拉的食物 creates soy oil success

Matthew Wilde

You may not notice branded 文图拉的食物 products, made mostly from soy oil, on grocery store shelves or highlighted on restaurant menus. 但该皇冠hga010安卓二维码是食品行业的重要参与者,这使农民受益.

文图拉的食物是CHS和三井物产在加州的合资企业 & Co. – manufactures packaged food products for the food industry. Customers include some of the largest restaurants, grocery stores and food service providers, including 70 of the top 100 restaurant chains in America.

皇冠hga010安卓二维码生产用于电影院和运动场的酥油和黄油味的浇头油. 餐馆使用文图拉食品皇冠hga010安卓二维码的油炸油来制作酥脆可口的食物. Its sauces, dips and 酱 complement culinary creations. 文图拉的食物 also manufactures margarines, butter blends, 传播, 蛋黄酱, 平底锅喷雾器和烹饪底座可以帮助厨师创造出满足味蕾的食谱.

文图拉食品皇冠hga010安卓二维码总裁兼首席执行官克里斯•弗曼表示:“我们是一家定制皇冠hga010安卓二维码,而不是品牌皇冠hga010安卓二维码. “如果你去餐厅的后面,厨师正在用煎炸油或蛋黄酱, it may be manufactured by 文图拉的食物.”

The company concentrates resources on its innovation center, manufacturing plants and employees, and improving its supply chain rather than on branding.

“这是我们最大的优势所在,也是我们继续发展餐饮服务业务的原因,” Furman says.

The strategy has helped 文图拉的食物 grow, driving oilseed demand.

Semi tanker at processing plant 
Soy oil refined at the CHS Mankato, Minn.大豆加工厂是文图拉食品皇冠hga010安卓二维码产品的主要成分.

Strong partnership

文图拉食品皇冠hga010安卓二维码的收入在过去十年中增加了约10亿美元,到2023财年达到近40亿美元, which ended March 31, 2023. That growth benefits CHS farmer-owners in multiple ways.

文图拉食品皇冠hga010安卓二维码是大豆油和菜籽油的坚定买家. The company annually purchases about 25% of the refined, bleached and deodorized soy oil, 高含油量大豆油的15%到20%和菜籽油的15%由CHS设施生产.

共同拥有的文图拉食品皇冠hga010安卓二维码直接将CHS农场主与食品供应链联系起来, says Todd Biedenfeld, director of vegetable oil and sunflower sales with CHS.

“在过去的几年里,CHS从我们的大豆和油菜籽加工业务中获得了令人难以置信的回报,文图拉食品皇冠hga010安卓二维码是这一成功的重要贡献者,他说. “传统上,当我们从工厂运出成品油和食用油时,对船东的奖励就结束了. 拥有文图拉食品皇冠hga010安卓二维码50%的股份,CHS可以更全面地参与供应链,当文图拉食品皇冠hga010安卓二维码盈利时, we share in that success. Ultimately, it allows us to return more money to farmer-owners.”

弗曼补充说,由于CHS和三井的共同价值观,合资企业取得了成功. “The mutual respect and collaborative spirit are evident. I’ve had a front-row seat for 14 years, watching leaders of both companies work together to solve challenges.”

Bottle of frying oil on assembly line 


Edible oils are the main ingredients in 文图拉的食物 products. 该皇冠hga010安卓二维码每年使用20亿磅从大豆中提取的食用油, 油菜, 棕榈, 棉籽, 玉米, 花生, 椰子, olives and other plant sources. 弗曼说,大豆油占皇冠hga010安卓二维码用油的65%到75%. 该皇冠hga010安卓二维码从CHS和世界各地的其他大型供应商处采购石油.

Ahmad而博帕尔, 文图拉食品皇冠hga010安卓二维码食品创新和国际高级副总裁, 他说豆油之所以是主要原料,是因为它的易得性和价格,还因为它是“质地和味道的绝佳载体”.”

文图拉的食物 is the largest oil customer for CHS, Biedenfeld says. CHS的油从明尼苏达州曼卡托的炼油厂通过铁路和卡车运输., and Hallock, Minn., to 11 文图拉的食物 plants nationwide.

About 文图拉的食物

Formed in 1996 as a joint venture between CHS and Mitsui & Co. following the merger of Wilsey Foods and Holsum Foods. Learn more about 文图拉的食物.


  • 加州布雷亚. (headquarters)
  • Birmingham, Ala.
  • Ontario, Calif.
  • 港口圣. 露西,佛罗里达州.
  • 索顿,生病了.
  • Opelousas, La.
  • Albert Lea, Minn.
  • St. 约瑟夫,莫.
  • 俄勒冈州波特兰.
  • 萨勒姆,矿石.
  • Chambersburg, Pa.
  • Fort Worth, Texas
  • Saginaw, Texas
  • Waukesha, Wis.
  • Edmonton, Alberta
  • Toronto, Ontario

Selected brands

  • Hidden Valley
  • Classic Gourmet
  • 朝霞
  • 酱工艺
  • 厨师的骄傲
  • Grandioso
  • LouAna
  • Gold-n-Sweet
  • Smart Balance

“合资企业的美妙之处在于,两位所有者允许文图拉食品皇冠hga010安卓二维码自主经营,根据皇冠hga010安卓二维码的最佳利益做出商业决策,” Furman says. “Mitsui encourages us to do business with CHS, assuming we’re making the right decisions based on market conditions.”

Darin Johnson, who farms with his family near Wells, Minn.该皇冠hga010安卓二维码每年向位于明尼苏达州费尔蒙特附近的CHS压榨厂出售约10万蒲式耳大豆. 费尔蒙特生产的豆油在曼卡托的CHS大豆加工厂进一步精炼, which ships oil to 文图拉的食物 and other customers.

“Soy oil demand and value the past two years have been amazing. For farmers, it adds to our bottom line,” Johnson says. “我们知道,可再生燃料原料需求使大豆价格每蒲式耳上涨近1美元,我认为食用油方面的涨幅也一样, 如果不是更多的话.”

He expects soybean acres to increase to satisfy oil needs.

Adapt and grow

The COVID-19 pandemic hit 文图拉的食物 hard. 当餐馆、学校和其他顾客被迫关闭餐厅时,销售额暴跌.

The pandemic changed consumer behavior, says Furman. Demand for food delivery and takeout meals skyrocketed. Traditional dine-in restaurants, which didn’t have drive-thru windows and little takeout business, needed to change to survive.

During the pandemic, 文图拉食品皇冠hga010安卓二维码与餐馆合作,发起了一项名为“伟大的美国外卖”的活动. “为了适应变化,我们推出了更多面向外卖和外卖的包装产品,” Furman says, including more single-serving dips, 酱, sauces and margarines.

Before the pandemic, 该皇冠hga010安卓二维码致力于增加和多样化其客户群,以支持长期成功. More than a decade ago, all its clients were in the U.S. 其中一位顾客占了文图拉食品皇冠hga010安卓二维码收入的25%以上. 现在,它的客户群遍布北美、拉丁美洲和亚洲.

“Our company is stronger, more focused on growth and more balanced. 我们进入市场的方式更加多样化。.

在未来, 他说, 文图拉的食物 plans to partner with customers in more robust ways, 加速采用技术以支持增长和客户体验.

食物和. 燃料

Furman says he expects competition for soy oil, the primary feedstock of renewable diesel and biodiesel, to intensify between the food and 燃料 industries.

Though heightened competition is a concern, 福尔曼预计,文图拉食品皇冠hga010安卓二维码将能够获得所需的豆油.

“我们正在与我们的主要豆油供应商合作,以巩固我们在他们产品组合中的地位,他说. “我们是大豆和油菜籽压榨商可以依赖的可靠、久经考验的需求来源.”

比登菲尔德也认为,随着对可再生柴油的需求不断增长,豆油需求正在发生范式转变. CHS目前80%的豆油销售给食品皇冠hga010安卓二维码,其余的用于燃料和工业用途.

“我们认为(豆油销售的)百分比将来会发生变化, but with our joint venture in 文图拉的食物, CHS is dedicated to staying loyal to the food side of the market,他说.

Check out the full 2024年冬 C 杂志 with this article and more.

Learn more about CHS processing.

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